Welcome to your Weekly Top Ten! Below are the covers and the list complete with some links if you want to buy these books before they get hotter! If you want to check out the video where we go into much greater detail, click here.
1. Young Avengers 1- 1st Young Avengers (Bishop and Hulkling)- Shop Here
191% increase
2. Tank Girl 1- Margot Robbie producing film with director- Shop Here
300% increase
3. Trees 1- Solicitation for new series mentions in-development- Shop Here
1300% increase
4. X-Men 221- 1st Mr Sinister- Shop Here
80% increase
5. Amazing Spiderman- 36- 9-11 issue- Shop Here
High value signed by Stan Lee x4 with John Romita Sr and Jr sketch
6. Marvel Spotlight 13- 1st appearance of Marduk - Hulu- Shop Here
Father of Damian Hellstorm & Satana
1000% increase
7. Harbinger 1- Sony to Valiant- Shop Here
$1500 (signed/graded)
Coupon complete - Mail in all 6
233% increase
$18 (raw)
Zero previous week vs 22 this week
$30 (Raw)
1800% increase
10. Venom Along Came A Spider 1- 1st app of Hybrid - Shop Here
633% increase