Usually there's one child in every household who is a big myths and legends fanatic. That one kid who knows all the children of Zeus and understands why you don't look directly at Medusa. In my household we have found a fantastic outlet for that energy in the amazing graphic novels of George O'Connor. He is a writer/illustrator who has been creating an epic series of books to bring these exciting stories to life.
At present there are 11 large format novels published in this series, with more on the way. They are wonderfully illustrated and capture these classic tales in a way that any fan can appreciate. They are also available at a lot of Local Comic Shops, and my shop owner has always kept his eye out for new volumes for us so that we don't miss any of them. Mostly, because I would be in BIG trouble if we missed one. If your shop has an 'all ages' section, I would be willing to bet you'll find some of these books there.
My girls have both devoured the first 11 books, which cover Zeus, Apollo, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, Poseidon, Hades, Ares, Artemis, Hermes, and Hephaistos. Don't worry if you don't know all of those names because your children will soon be able to regale you with all the epic details of their stories. My oldest Kate is the true fanatic and has read all the Percy Jackson books by Rick Riordan as well. Let's see what she has to say about this series of graphic novels.
My 12 year old daughter Kate's review:
"I really like the illustrations and the comedy in these stories. I also like these books because they show you the backstory for each of the gods. My favorite book is Hermes because he is hilarious. He is the god of mischief so, of course, he plays a bunch of tricks. I think the 'coolest' goddess is either Artemis or Athena. Artemis is a hunter and she is incredibly skilled with a bow. Athena is battle-wise and she is also very funny. She and Hermes are a great comedic duo. Kids should read these books because they aren't boring history books. They are relatable to kids, plus they are very humorous. I know that some of the stories are also sad or exciting too."
My (newly) 10 year old daughter Charlie's review:
"These books are kid-friendly and funny. The artwork is very good and I love these myths and legends. I enjoy the fighting and drama between the gods. I also like the different personalities and powers of the gods. It helps to guide each story. I would recommend it to third graders and older. Anyone who likes to laugh and enjoys exciting battles should read these books. In my opinion the best character is Hermes because he's funny and a big trickster. My other favorite is Hephaistos because he is great at making jewels and crafting."
If you want to get some of these books for you or yours, here is an eBay affiliate link for you. Remember that clicking the link doesn't cost anything. It only means that if you buy anything from eBay in the next few minutes, the John's Comics with Kids team get some of the money that would normally go to eBay. So we thank you for supporting this blog!
Check out our latest Saturday Morning Comics episode where we spend time talking about BATMAN DAY and these Olympians books. Thanks for reading this article and if you want to get more from the John's Comics with Kids squad just watch for us on Instagram and YouTube.