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We're All About Thor

Hey there, Comic Fam! It’s the holidays already, can you believe it? Welcome to another grand Bags and Boards Show With ComicTom101 episode! As always, we’d like to take a second to remind you to head over to the ComicTom101 YouTube Channel for even more stellar comic book speculation content!

We’re also taking a moment to announce something massive! You might be aware that every month we put some comics in our Mystery Mail Call and ship them out, but we recently formed a partnership with Marvel Comics! We now have a ComicTom Marvel exclusive in the form of Thor #1 by Donny Cates. Enrollment is now if you want your copy!

With that fantastic bit of news out of the way, let’s give a small recap on the previous week. Last time we talked a good amount about the HBO show Watchmen, and more specifically, the Dr. Manhattan-themed vibrator seen in one of the episodes. Set to scale, HBO was nice enough to offer up actual specs for the device!

And this week? Well, we’re all about Thor and Donny Cates right now (go figure) and we discussed some Thor stories to read in the chance that you wanted to build up on your God of Thunder knowledge before Mr. Cates’ book hits the shelves. Perhaps the more famous Thor work in recent years is Jason Aaron’s run on the thunder god. Offering an accessible intro to Thor and the lore that accompanies him, the God Butcher story arc should definitely be on your radar if you haven’t read it yet. There’s also the astounding Thor run by legendary Walter Simonson. Introducing characters like Beta Ray Bill and completely turning the Thor mythos upside down, few writers have done for Thor what Simonson accomplished.

Yes, there was plenty more mentioned during our podcast, but you’ll have to check it out if you’re interested in all the delicious goodies we had to share!

And that wraps up our latest Bags and Boards Show With ComicTom101! Trust us, there was plenty more discussed this time, and if you’re intrigued, you’ll have to check out the ComicTom101 YouTube page and/or listen the podcast itself over on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, and Stitcher! Don’t forget to come back every Sunday for a brand-new episode!

As always, geek responsibly! ‘Nuff said!

- Octavio Karbank

A writer by trade and aficionado of all things pop culture, Octavio Karbank is a recent addition to the ComicTom101 team! A devoted comic book collector, with plenty of long boxes to prove it, Octavio is always on the hunt for those elusive key issues! A freelance writer who has penned articles for websites like CBR and Bleeding Cool, he’s excited to be working alongside some of the greatest minds the world of comic book speculation has to offer! If you’re interested in checking out more of his ramblings, go to his Twitter page:

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