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Top 5 Comics 9/16/20

September 16th is approaching and let's take a look at my top five books releasing this week. To start this list I have to mention issue 1027 of Detective Comics.

This a landmark issue, since Batman made his first appearance back in Detective Comics issue 27. Because this is an event just like when issue 1000 was released, you can expect a plethora of variant covers. Now from personal experience, I would suggest picking up your favorite cover and hold off on the rest, since time and time again we see these books tend to drop in value. This book will also contain various writers, artists, even touch on the Joker War, and the real kicker is that 10$ price, yikes. Yeah, I know, 10 bucks, hence why I said to only buy one. Also I hope the last story in this sets up for a new and better story arc, fingers crossed.

Next up is one of the hottest books this year and one of my favorite current Marvel reads, Thor issue 7. Now, all speculation aside, this has been a great read that leaves you wanting more, at least it does for me. The interior art flows great with the writing. To throw a wrench in all of this, the last issue, #6 was not bad but perhaps rushed? It’s been a solid 5 out of the 6 issues for the first story arc, and I'm hoping they go back and touch multiple things but I guess that's why issue 7 is a must-buy for this week.

Stepping away from the big two (Marvel Comics and DC Comics) let’s take a look at these next 3 indie books that grabbed my attention. If you don't know about Vault Comics, then I'm here to tell yah they hardly ever put out bad comics. This week is the release of Heavy issue 1, written by Max Bemis. What first caught my eye was that C cover by Tim Daniel ( the A and B cover is pretty cool too). I was pulled in by the fact that I just started reading Moonknight and Max Bernis is the writer. He wrote issues 188 until 200 and a few other Marvel titles, so I'm super interested to see what he does over on Vault. Feel free to let me know what cover of Heavy you will be picking up this week.

From there we go to Stillwater issue 1. This is a book I thought I would see more people talking about since it’s written by Chip Zdarsky. Stillwater is about a town where the people who live in it don't die, but that is a threat. Honestly, I have no idea what that means but I could assume it involves people living too long and wishing that they could die. Since October is approaching I'm already strapping in for some horror so I hope Zdarksy doesn't let me down, and yeah one day I might read his Daredevil run, maybe.

Wrapping up this top 5 books of the week, is another one I don't see people talking about: Fearless Dawn Meets Hellboy. This one-shot is coming out of freaking Albatross Exploding funny books! If you ever have seen my Youtube channel you know I enjoy The Goon, Grumble, and many bodies of work that Eric Powel puts out through his publishing company. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time Hellboy appears in an Albatross imprint (now I could be wrong, but I don't think I am) and I just think that opens the door to getting Hellboy and The Goon again. Oh yeah did I forget to mention that Mignola is doing the B cover, yes that's what I have my eyes on!



-Perry Comics

Perry here, I host a pop culture YouTube channel known as Perry Comics and also a little Instagram over at @perry_comics. Feel free to message me or catch me on one of my live streams, comic book videos, or movie reactions.

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